Sunday, January 13, 2013

Love this song!

I am super obsessed with this song at the moment. 
I cannot stop listening to it. I got super excited when it showed up in the middle of This is 40. Mini movie theatre dance party. Anyway, I bought the album today, so life is good. I also bought some Laura Marling and a $15 swim suit - oh yeah.

I have a series of posts in mind, but I will probably take a million years to write them as I am going to be working full time for the next month rather than laying about doing nothing all day. It is going to be a shock to my system and bank account.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I can't believe we are already a week into 2013. I had a lovely Christmas with my family and a chilled out New Years. I hope everyone had a good one and 2013 kicks 2012's arse!

Since I last wrote here I have done a few things:

I made my friend a really awesome mix tape.  I also made her some particularly heinous candy cane vodka.
I drew a banjo, what on Earth possessed me to do that?!

I fell in love with Of Monsters and Men. So now I am sad that I can't see them or Vampire Weekend this Summer!

I read The Hunger Games trilogy in a five day period. Oh my!

I did my Hottest 100 voting, although there were too many things I wanted to vote for. I could have happily given my 10 votes to Mumford and Sons or Jack White. I was very restrained and only voted for 3 Mumford and Sons tracks - I Will Wait, Lover of the Light, and Broken Crown.

I am finally watching Arrested Development and Freaks and Geeks and loving them! :)

I finally finished getting my tooth fixed up after 8 dental appointments including 2 fillings to the same tooth and a root canal (hence me being too poor to do anything remotely exciting this Summer). 

And last but not least I went to see The Hobbit at long last yesterday! :D