So, I finally
finished University (yes!) and my post University anti brain shrivelling up and dying
plan is to read, read, and read some more. I never ended up getting to
read all the classics that people are generally forced to read
throughout school and feel like maybe I missed out so I am adding them
to the pile. But hey, I will probably appreciate them much more now than
I would of as a teen. I won't even have to write essays about them!
Honestly, the high school essay I kept (I'm assuming I kept it because I thought
it was good) was pretty terrible. I clearly had not figured out the
system. I don't think I really improved in my essay writing ability too
much, except understanding the value of a good quote in an argument and level of caring.
I'm a pretty slow
reader and only up to my 13th book of the year (obviously not counting picture
books). I try to read before bed as it makes for good sleeping
(science!). My Goodreads over the last year is pretty John Green and Hunger Games dominated. Recommend me some books - please and thank you.
I am currently reading The Catcher in the Rye because the Universe kept telling me to and I finally listened and Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Man, I am so articulate.