Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can We Talk About Breaking Bad?!

(Because this is how I have felt for the last forever)

Next Monday morning is the final episode of Breaking Bad and I am feeling a mixture of anxious and super emotional about it. Thankfully it is a public holiday or I would probably have taken the day off work very frivolously. Anyway, having seen all the people's crazy blue food on Tumblr I had to suggest we have a party. And here is a part of the conversation I had with my mother about it.

Mum: We could have mini pizzas.
Me: We could throw them on the roof! 
Mum: He did do that. I don't think it would add to the value of the house. 
Me: But it was awesome and we could do the whole house Breaking Bad style, the fans would love it. And have I not mentioned in the last five minutes that it is the most popular show on TV ... Emmys..
I could spray HEISENBERG on the wall and all.

I can't believe she wasn't impressed.