Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On being a Nerd Fighter

Late in the summer of my twenty ninth year, I decided that I was a Nerd Fighter, presumably because I spent hours watching the Vlogbrothers on Youtube, reading John Green’s novels, and listening to Hank’s catchy nerd music, but mostly because I wanted to be one.
A Nerd Fighter is defined as, “Someone who instead of being made up of cells and organs and stuff is actually made out of awesome. Someone who fights against world suck”. As a Hufflepuff I don’t wish to toot my own horn so much and prefer the second half of the definition, I am indeed made out of the same goop as every other Human being, but I would love to make the world less sucky for nerds and other less fortunate sections of the community.

The first time I heard of John Green was after I returned to Australia after living in the UK for 18 months and having nothing to read, no job, and little money to spend when my sister lent me his first novel, Looking for Alaska which I devoured and read his follow up An Abundance of Katherines. I then proceeded to read a bunch of other YA novels she possessed and move on in my life. 

The first vlogbrothers’ video I ever saw was this one, I don’t remember when or who sent it to me I just remember having seen it before and LOTR was like one of my primary fandoms so it could have been like any of my friends/family/I could have found it by chance. 

Anyway, in 2012 thanks to The Fault in Our Stars I started seeing references to Nerd Fighters and John Green everywhere  (read: Tumblr). So I finally found out what Nerd fighters were and decided to take on the task of watching all of the videos from the beginning of Brotherhood 2.0 to present, it took me a few months and it was worth it. I learnt about micro financing and joined the Nerd fighter team on Kiva, in a year I have made 25 loans and I must say it is an addictive way of helping people around the world (for a free $25 loan). I’ve been to one gathering so far which was pretty fun, participated in a p4a, and read one book as a part of the nerd fighter book club. And tonight I am very excited to go see The Fault in Our Stars movie, like way excited. Candy metaphor cigarettes, cloud nails and tissues excited.  YEP.

And now for some lists of what I love about John and Hank just because (note: there are many other things to love but these are just short lists).
I love their relationship, how they chose to work on it through Vlogbrothers and how well they collaborate. I love reunion videos most of all, it is true.
The projects such as p4a that they coordinate to help reduce world suck.

John –
He loves gingers as much, possibly much more than I do
He is an older teen than me
How he has made me finally find a love of pizza
Attempting to make people imagine each other more complexly
Speaking openly and honestly about his experiences with depression and anxiety
When he says something terribly and then goes "I'm a novelist"
That he actually made "French the Llama" a thing when nobody thought he could

Hank –
He loves science as much as me, definitely much more than I do
His poster and shirt collection
His ability to create so many amazing projects and for making me 2D glasses should I ever be forced into watching a 3D movie in my life
His psychic ability to predict Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling things and write these predictions into song form
He rescued a greyhound which was named Tina Fey and named her Lemon
He limits the amount of animal products he consumes, and is passionate about the environment
I understand his feels as a younger sibling so hard