Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What I Read This February

After getting back into work I have had a lot less time to read so this month has been pretty slow on that front. I managed to read six books, five of which I will be counting towards the years challenge. I am very happy to finally have completed Yes Please by Amy Poehler after starting it in November then getting distracted.

In February I read the following books:

My Life as an Alphabet - Barry Jonsberg
A Book by an Author You've Never Read Before -I read this after seeing it recommended in a teacher's group I am apart of. It was quite an enjoyable children's book with some interesting characters.

Yes Please - Amy Poehler
A Book you Started but Never Finished -Finally finished it. I liked the third section best as it covered the aspects of her career I was most interested in and she finally stopped complaining as much about the fact she had no time to write the book. I feel like if you are writing a book and getting paid to do so you probably shouldn't do it if you don't want to, there are plenty of ghost writers out there. Not as funny as you would expect, but apparently the audio book version is better.

Slated - Teri Terry
A Trilogy (book 1) - I read this for an online book club, it was okay. Not the greatest dytopian YA novel I out there, probably not the worst either.

Never Google Heartbreak - Emma Garcia
A Book With a Love Triangle - Just your average romcom, thought I would read one for Valentines day..

Bob's Burgers Vol. 1 - Chad Brewster
Not Included in Challenge - It was a fun comic, if you like the show you will enjoy it. Each character gets their own section, Gene's was not great though. Received from Net Galley.

Fractured - Teri Terry
A Trilogy (book 2) - The library had it so I figured I might as well complete the trilogy. Explained a bit more of the goings on, maybe slightly better than the first book.

I am currently reading  Saving Lucas Biggs by Marisa de los Santos and her husband David Teague, I'm nearly finished and am enjoying it. This month I only purchased two books, and they cost me a grand total of $6 at the Lifeline Book Fair so doing okay on that front, both of which I will hopefully read as a part of the challenge. Hopefully March will be a more successful reading month.