Monday, April 6, 2015

What I Read This March

I can't believe the first quarter of the year has passed us already, it has gone crazy fast. I continue to read at a steady pace, this past month I read the following books:

Saving Lucas Biggs by Marisa de los Santos and David Teague ★★★★
A book from an author that you love that you haven't read yet - Marisa de los Santos is one of my favourite authors and when I noticed on Goodreads she had written a new book with her husband I knew I had to use it for this part of the challenge. This story was quite different to the others I had read but still very enjoyable. It took my brain a little while to wrap itself around the disjointed time travel but well worth it.

We Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly a True Story by Josh Sundquist ★★★★
A book you can finish in one day: I read this book after hearing a good review from a fellow nerd fighter and as I enjoy Josh's vlogs from time to time. It was such an easy, fun read I struggled to put it down. As a result I have his other book, Just Don't Fall in my tbr pile for April.

Enchantment Lake by Margi Prues ★★★
Not included in challenge.  

The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl by Melissa Keil ★★★
A book published this year (last 12 months): I had heard so many good reviews of this book I had too high expectations going in. With so many great cultural references, unfortunately for me there was just something missing. It was enjoyable but I didn't love it.

From Notting Hill With Love... Actually by Ali McNamara
A book based entirely on its cover: I picked this book up before Valentine's Day from a library display but didn't get around to reading it until well over a month after that. I'm glad I hung onto it though, I really enjoyed all the movie references it held. Although I'm not the girl who believes that romantic comedies are realistic, I do like a good Hugh Grant flick. Reading this made me want to dig out my Hugh Grant box set, and there are two more in the series I may eventually read. 

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy
A book by a female author: I was hoping to use this as my crying book, but it just wasn't the one. The main character was not relatable thus I did not feel sorry for her, maybe that was the point. In a market full of "sick lit" this book fails to hit the mark.

Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita
A book you own but have never read: I probably should have chosen something that has been sitting on my bookshelf a bit longer, but I really wanted to read this one when I ordered it in January so technically it counts. I enjoyed reading this book, I would have liked going to summer camp if it were a concept in Australia.

This month I allowed myself to buy two books because they were pretty, a 10 year anniversary hard cover copy of Looking for Alaska and a hard cover Looking for Ali Brandi. I have just now realised how funny that combination is, but maybe that is just me. Anyway, I should stop buying books! I have already bought one this month..