Sunday, September 30, 2012


I am loving this song.
In fact I pretty much love all of the songs on Babel. I remember they played a few new songs when I saw them in 2010 and thinking they were amazing then. It was easily one of the best concerts I have been too, beautiful venue, great crowd, and apart from the second band that played which just didn't fit musically (Boy & Bear opened and were perfect) the music was spot on. Such a good night. I am really looking forward to seeing them again in a months time, even though seeing international bands in my home town totally weirds me out (but in a good way!).

I saw this the other day and it is totally true for me.

So I am pretty happy they have followed through with an excellent second album, totally worth the wait. And in case you were wondering, yes, I totally think Ted Dwane is a ginger fox.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Had to take the afternoon off work yesterday after succumbing to a stomach bug. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself so I decided to treat myself to a new show, Ben & Kate. 

I am undecided whether or not I will like it, but I usually take a couple of episodes to warm to a show. The cast is pretty great. Lucy Punch is hilarious and the kid (Maggie Elizabeth Jones) from We Bought a Zoo is super adorable. Lots of strawberry blonde action. And this ginger fox (Jon Foster).

Pity his character was a jerk! Will continue to watch for now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Conversations With Children Volume 1

Child: You look familiar.
Me: That's probably because I have worked here before.
Child: No, I've seen you on TV.
Me: I'm pretty sure it's because I've worked here before. MANY TIMES!
(Child stares at me intently. Meanwhile I think to myself it must be the glasses as if Superman taught me anything it was that a pair of nondescript glasses make an excellent disguise which could fool almost anyone.) 
Hey, if I was on TV what show do you think I'd be on?
Child:(without a seconds thought)Farmer wants a wife .
Me: As the farmer or the wife?
Child: The wife
Me: Oh that's a bit.. Depressing, sure I couldn't be the farmer? I haven't even seen that show.
Child: The wife.