Saturday, November 2, 2013

I've got to go do karaoke tonight.

Just finished reading The Book Thief. 
Cried all the tears. 
Feel empty.

I've made a terrible mistake. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can We Talk About Breaking Bad?!

(Because this is how I have felt for the last forever)

Next Monday morning is the final episode of Breaking Bad and I am feeling a mixture of anxious and super emotional about it. Thankfully it is a public holiday or I would probably have taken the day off work very frivolously. Anyway, having seen all the people's crazy blue food on Tumblr I had to suggest we have a party. And here is a part of the conversation I had with my mother about it.

Mum: We could have mini pizzas.
Me: We could throw them on the roof! 
Mum: He did do that. I don't think it would add to the value of the house. 
Me: But it was awesome and we could do the whole house Breaking Bad style, the fans would love it. And have I not mentioned in the last five minutes that it is the most popular show on TV ... Emmys..
I could spray HEISENBERG on the wall and all.

I can't believe she wasn't impressed. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why I Don't Own a Onesie

While I don't tend to follow the fashion trends, I have noted that adult sized onesies are kind of a big deal right now. 

So here is my list of reasons why I don't personally own a onesie (mostly to remind future me of my feelings should I see a particularly adorable one and wish to own it).

1. I am not a baby, but a full grown lady.

And while this model is pretty attractive in his TARDIS onesie, the baby is winning on adorable points. Alas, I will never be an adorable TARDIS as my parents were not big enough Whovians in the 80's..

2. My sister once said she would disown me if I ever wore a onesie around her no matter how adorable I think they are (she later retracted that though).

3. The really pretty ones are super expensive and trying them on at the shops seems like an unfavourable idea. Also the shops are usually sold out of my size and only have the teeny tiny and super huge ones.

4. I have hips therefore the top half would be super baggy and unflattering. Therefore, I would not wish to wear it in front of others and what really is the point of a onesie if not for adorable selfies?

5. I live in a really cold place and often go to the toilet in the night time, even with a bum flap that seems somewhat impractical.

6. While I live in a cold place and sleep with a million blankets and quilts over me I cannot sleep in anything more than a t-shirt or I overheat.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I like big books and I can not lie...

So, I finally finished University (yes!) and my post University anti brain shrivelling up and dying plan is to read, read, and read some more. I never ended up getting to read all the classics that people are generally forced to read throughout school and feel like maybe I missed out so I am adding them to the pile. But hey, I will probably appreciate them much more now than I would of as a teen. I won't even have to write essays about them! 

Honestly, the high school essay I kept (I'm assuming I kept it because I thought it was good) was pretty terrible. I clearly had not figured out the system. I don't think I really improved in my essay writing ability too much, except understanding the value of a good quote in an argument and level of caring.

I'm a pretty slow reader and only up to my 13th book of the year (obviously not counting picture books). I try to read before bed as it makes for good sleeping (science!). My Goodreads over the last year is pretty John Green and Hunger Games dominated. Recommend me some books - please and thank you.  

Sian's books

Nerd Do Well
The Diary Of Anne Frank
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Casual Vacancy
Of Mice and Men
The Outsiders
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Harriet The Spy
The Grapes of Wrath
My Legendary Girlfriend
Looking for Alaska
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Decked with Holly
Fight Club
The Great Gatsby
The Fault in Our Stars
Paper Towns

Sian's favorite books »

I am currently reading The Catcher in the Rye because the Universe kept telling me to and I finally listened and Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Man, I am so articulate.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Love this song!

I am super obsessed with this song at the moment. 
I cannot stop listening to it. I got super excited when it showed up in the middle of This is 40. Mini movie theatre dance party. Anyway, I bought the album today, so life is good. I also bought some Laura Marling and a $15 swim suit - oh yeah.

I have a series of posts in mind, but I will probably take a million years to write them as I am going to be working full time for the next month rather than laying about doing nothing all day. It is going to be a shock to my system and bank account.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I can't believe we are already a week into 2013. I had a lovely Christmas with my family and a chilled out New Years. I hope everyone had a good one and 2013 kicks 2012's arse!

Since I last wrote here I have done a few things:

I made my friend a really awesome mix tape.  I also made her some particularly heinous candy cane vodka.
I drew a banjo, what on Earth possessed me to do that?!

I fell in love with Of Monsters and Men. So now I am sad that I can't see them or Vampire Weekend this Summer!

I read The Hunger Games trilogy in a five day period. Oh my!

I did my Hottest 100 voting, although there were too many things I wanted to vote for. I could have happily given my 10 votes to Mumford and Sons or Jack White. I was very restrained and only voted for 3 Mumford and Sons tracks - I Will Wait, Lover of the Light, and Broken Crown.

I am finally watching Arrested Development and Freaks and Geeks and loving them! :)

I finally finished getting my tooth fixed up after 8 dental appointments including 2 fillings to the same tooth and a root canal (hence me being too poor to do anything remotely exciting this Summer). 

And last but not least I went to see The Hobbit at long last yesterday! :D