Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why I Don't Own a Onesie

While I don't tend to follow the fashion trends, I have noted that adult sized onesies are kind of a big deal right now. 

So here is my list of reasons why I don't personally own a onesie (mostly to remind future me of my feelings should I see a particularly adorable one and wish to own it).

1. I am not a baby, but a full grown lady.

And while this model is pretty attractive in his TARDIS onesie, the baby is winning on adorable points. Alas, I will never be an adorable TARDIS as my parents were not big enough Whovians in the 80's..

2. My sister once said she would disown me if I ever wore a onesie around her no matter how adorable I think they are (she later retracted that though).

3. The really pretty ones are super expensive and trying them on at the shops seems like an unfavourable idea. Also the shops are usually sold out of my size and only have the teeny tiny and super huge ones.

4. I have hips therefore the top half would be super baggy and unflattering. Therefore, I would not wish to wear it in front of others and what really is the point of a onesie if not for adorable selfies?

5. I live in a really cold place and often go to the toilet in the night time, even with a bum flap that seems somewhat impractical.

6. While I live in a cold place and sleep with a million blankets and quilts over me I cannot sleep in anything more than a t-shirt or I overheat.

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