Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What I read this July

I knew I would be hopeless at reading and blogging about what I had read this month due to moving interstate so I tried to write about things as I read them and on rereading my thoughts on the books I probably didn't need to bother! Finally in my new home and struggling to stay awake and read most nights, August wont be very productive, nevermind...

I'll Give You the Sun I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
A Book With Non-human Characters: Yes, I am counting the ghosts. I really enjoyed the emotional journey that was this book. 

Paper TownsPaper Towns by John Green
A Book that was made into a Movie: Managed to finish off re-reading this with an hour to spare before seeing the film. Still love it. So much fun. Good adaption too.

Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore by Robin Sloane
Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour BookstoreA Book With a Number in the Title: An enjoyable read, not entirely what I expected. Not what I had originally intended for this challenge but I found it while wandering through the library and picked it up so changed a few things around to fit it into the challenge.

In  good news I enjoyed all three of the books I read throughout July. 
I can not remember what books I bought this month, at least two, one of which was Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. $18 for a hardback is a pretty sweet deal though.

36/52 Challenge books read.

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